Tustin Eastern Little League

Rules & Regulations

Ratified 1/30/2025
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    1. League or TELL: Tustin Eastern Little League.

    2. President: A member of the Board who oversees the operations of the LeagueBoard The Board of Directors of the League.

    3. Manager: A regular member of the League approved by the Board to manage all activities for a particular team. 

    4. Coach: A regular member of the League approved by the Board to assist the manager as an official Coach for a particular team. 

    5. Umpire-in Chief: A member of the Board who oversees the officiating of the League Division Coordinator A member of the Board who oversees the divisions of the League 

    6. Coaching Coordinator: A member if the Board who oversees the Managers and Coaches

The Little League Operating Manual shall apply in all cases except as outlined in the approved local rules. These rules will remain in effect until they have been reviewed and revised each season. 

The Tustin Eastern Little League Board of Directors reserves the right to make changes to the local rules at any time.



    1. Managers shall select a full participating coach upon TELL Board of Directors' approval. Applications of coaches should be turned in to the President. A selected coach shall be made aware that his or her responsibilities are no less than those of the manager. 

    2. Managers shall select a Team Parent and Score Keeper no later than one (1) week after the draft to represent their teams. 

    3. Each division's managers and coaches shall keep their dugouts free of trash. Home team shall turn off lights and scoreboard at Phillips Field. 

    4. All managers shall be responsible for the care, treatment, and return of all property and equipment, and return all gear to equipment coordinator. 

    5. All managers and coaches are to conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner at all times. Profanity and/or unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated. Acting in this manner in the opinion of the umpire (s) will result in automatic ejection. 

    6. Both managers at every game at all Major, AAA, AA, and A levels must sign the TELL Affidavit

    7. All managers and coaches shall support TELL fund-raising events and encourage team parents to participate in these activities. 

    8. Managers and coaches must adhere to Little League and TELL rules and regulations. Failure to know and understand or to comply with the rules may be grounds for removal. 

    9. Managers and coaches that fail to adhere to the Little League Rules and TELL Standing Rules shall, if summoned, appear before the Discipline Committee, within one (1) week of the infraction. 

    10. The Discipline Committee shall consist of the 5 board members appointed by the President of the League. If there are any conflicts of interest with members on the Discipline Committee that individual shall be replaced by the Treasurer. If any further conflicts of interest exist, the next highest Division Coordinator will replace the conflicted individual (i.e., if there is a conflict in AA, the AAA coordinator would step in for the AA coordinator.)

    11. When a manager, coach or player is ejected from a game by an Umpire, (Little League Rule 4.07) He or she shall appear before the Discipline Committee, which shall also include the Umpire-in-Chief. The Manager must also accompany an ejected player to the disciplinary meeting. 

    12. More is lost than ever won in a protested game. Every manager, coach, and umpire should avoid this action whenever possible. As stated in Little League Rule 4.19(a), "No protest shall be considered on a decision involving an umpire's judgment." No protest shall be considered unless the protest is in writing and submitted to the league President within 24 hours of the protested game.

    13. Little League Rule Book states that any ejection for any reason will result in a one game suspension, including any team activities until the end of the next scheduled game. The Discipline Committee may invoke more than a one game suspension for rule violations or personal misconduct, including expulsion from TELL. However, any discipline greater than a one game suspension must be approved by the President. The President must make a decision within 3-days of the Disciplinary Committee’s decision. 


    1. The function of the Team Parent is to assist the manager and coach in matters relating to the team and league as follows: 

    2. To communicate and coordinate team picture details with parents and players, ordering of pictures and coordination with the Parents Auxiliary. 

    3. Soliciting parent volunteers for work parties, snack shack assignments, and Parents Auxiliary programs. 

    4. Encourage parents to actively support league fundraising activities. 

    5. Coordinate and control the sale of tickets to Angel Day and other activities involving sales of tickets and the collection of money. 

    6. Encourage team spirit through team picnics or other similar family activities that will promote parent goodwill and support of the team and league. 

    7. Assist the Division Coordinator in recruiting scorekeepers. 


  1. TELL accepts and encourages the use of the GameChanger electronic scorekeeping application.  The Scorekeeping chair shall oversee use of the application and shall collect and report results of each game to the web site administrator who will record final standings.

  2. If requested, the Scorekeeping Chair will furnish official scorebooks to any team’s scorekeeper.

  3. The home team shall be responsible for providing a capable official scorekeeper for each game.  All games shall be recorded as played via the GameChanger application or in the official scorebook (if requested).  The scorekeeper, home plate umpire and both managers will sign an affidavit, in the form of the attached sample, at the completion of each game.  Affidavits will be sent to and kept by the Scorekeeping Chair.

  4. If the home team has not supplied an official scorekeeper within 15 minutes of the scheduled game time, the umpire must appoint either the manager or coach of the home team, at the option of the home team manager, who becomes the official scorekeeper of the game.  The appointed scorekeeper shall then keep score within the confines of the designated area and thereafter shall not participate in the game while scorekeeping.  If a replacement scorekeeper is found, the manager or coach may return to the game.

  5. The official scorekeeper shall be the official pitch count recorder.  Pitch counts will be provided to the Scorekeeping Chair, who will keep all pitch counts reports and respond to any inquiries.  The home team manager will, upon request of the official scorekeeper, report pitch counts and pitcher eligibility information prior to the next game.

  6. The home plate umpire’s name shall be recorded by the official scorekeeper and reported to the Scorekeeping Chair.

  7. The official scorekeeper is obligated to notify the home plate umpire only of an impending rule violation for ineligible pitchers, pitch counts, substitution of players and playing time of substitutes.  The manager is obligated to report all substitutions to the scorekeeper in order for the scorekeeper to track all potential violations.  The scorekeeper shall not be held responsible for substitution violations that are not reported by the manager.

  8. Managers shall be responsible for reporting all absent players and/or players injured during a game within 24 hours to the division coordinator.  Once reported, said player’s manager must report to the division coordinator the player’s status prior to that team’s next game.

  9. Designated official scorekeepers must be in the official scorer’s booth or designated area.  Scorekeepers will not communicate with nor distract players at any time.  Official Scorebooks, if used, are the sole property of TELL and are not to be shared with any person without approval of the Scorekeeping Chair.

  10. Official scorekeeper shall document each player’s offensive and defensive play time on the GameChanger App (or official scorebook) for Single A and Double A.  Managers are solely responsible for reporting all substitutions and position changes to the official scorekeeper and the official scorekeeper shall not be responsible for recording any unreported substitutions or position changes, even if those unreported substitutions or position changes constitute a violation of the rules of Single A or Double A.

  11. Official Scorekeeper shall notify the Scorekeeping Chair and/or Safety Chair in writing anytime a player is hit in the head, including date and time.

  12.  Official scorekeeper, at the end of each game, must get both managers to sign an affidavit, in the form of the attached sample, stating that they accept the electronic scorekeeping results.  Managers may request a copy of the scoring sheet, and the scorekeeper will provide via email, at their earliest opportunity.




Home Team:___________________________________

Visiting Team:__________________________________

By signing this affidavit, each signatory certifies the following.

Official Scorekeeper:

  1. I kept score for the entirety of the game;

  2. All outcomes and information included in the scoring summary for this game are accurate to the best of my knowledge.


Official Scorekeeper: Name/Signature


  1. The individual signing this affidavit as official scorekeeper was, in fact, the official scorekeeper of the game;

  2. I was given an opportunity to review any and all aspects of the game via the GameChanger application;

  3. I am in agreement with outcomes, as recorded on the Game Changer Application.

________________________________ ___________________________ Manager, Home: Name/Signature Manager, Visiting: Name/Signature 

Home Plate Umpire:

  1. I served as home plate umpire for this game;

  2. I have had an opportunity to review any and all aspects of the game via the GameChanger application;

  3. I am in agreement with outcomes as recorded in the GameChanger Application.


Home Plate Umpire: Name/Signature


    1. The primary function of the league umpire scheduler is to prepare and coordinate all scheduling of umpires. This function shall be in conjunction and cooperation of the team umpire coordinators. 


    1. Equipment 

      1. The league shall provide the necessary equipment required to play a baseball game. 

      2. Replacement of equipment due to normal wear and/or breakage shall be done at the league's expense. 

      3. Equipment loss is a manager’s responsibility! Replacement of equal quality equipment is at the manager's expense with approval of the League Equipment Manager. 

  2. Uniforms 

    1. Only league-issued uniforms shall be worn. 

    2. No player or team shall alter or replace any part of the TELL issued uniform, including hats, shirts, or pants, without the approval of the Uniform Manager.


    1. All Manager and Coach, Freeze Players, for AAA, AA, and A, during tryouts, will be evaluated by the division above Managers, as well as their Division Managers. All evaluations will be averaged by the Division Coordinator for player placement in the draft.

    2. The Player Agent may schedule special tryouts, if deemed necessary. 

  1. DRAFTS 

    1. All Divisions 

      1. The draft location, date, and time shall be announced as early as possible. 

      2. All Managers will be nominated by the league president, and confirmed by the TELL board. 

      3. At all levels, Majors, AAA, AA and A levels, only the Manager or a coach, if the manager specifically cannot attend, may be present at that level’s draft. 

      4. Managers in the Major and Minor divisions shall make their selections in an open and verbal draft. 

      5. Managers and coaches must leave the room when their division has completed the draft. 

      6. No Major or Minor player may be allowed to play two (2) levels above or below that players respective age group division unless approved by the Board. For example: 

        1. A ten-year-old may only be allowed to be drafted to AA, AAA or Majors; 

        2. A nine-year-old may only be allowed to be drafted to A (only because of a safety risk determined by Player Agent), AA or AAA; 

        3. An eight-year-old may only be allowed to be drafted to Coach Pitch (only because of a safety risk determined by Player Agent), A or AA

        4. A seven-year-old may only be allowed to be drafted to single A based only on availability of space on teams. 

        5. Secrecy: Players shall never be told the position in which they were drafted. 

        6. The draft will be a serpentine draft for AAA, AA, and A divisions.

    2. Majors Draft 

      1. The Major Division will use Plan A, Page 171, the serpentine draft, as drawn out in the Little League Operating Manual. 

      2. All 10-year olds must be drafted by the 3rd round of that team. If league enrollment numbers require more 10 year olds be drafted, those supplemental 10 year olds will be drafted by the 5th round. All Manager/Coach’s sons or daughters will be assigned draft round position based on managers/coaches evaluations at tryouts.

      3. In the Major Division draft, all new incoming managers will draw team names out of a hat. Draft order will be determined by that team’s regular season standings from the prior year in reverse order. 

      4. All returning Majors level managers may bring one coach into the draft. 

      5. There will be a thirteenth round in the Major Draft that will make up a pool of six potential replacement players. All Managers will select a player from the remaining 11 year olds and 10 year olds not drafted to Majors, and that will make up the replacement player pool. Managers’ and 1st coaches’ children are not eligible for the replacement pool.

    3. AAA, AA and A Drafts 

      1. The goal of the draft is to make the teams as balanced as possible and to eliminate, as much as possible, any advantages resulting from the manager and coach freezes.

      2. Each team will be allowed to freeze the manager and first coach’s children, which must be declared on or before tryouts.

      3. In special cases where the combination of the manager and coach is determined to give that team an unfair advantage, an appropriate adjustment may be made in the draft order (e.g., if both the managers and coach freezes for one team are clear first round picks, that team may be required to pick their freezes in the first and second round and to skip their third round pick until the end of the draft). 

      4. If the division managers are unable to agree on both the drafting order and the selection round for manager and coach freezes, a three-person panel consisting of the TELL president, player agent, and the division coordination will make the final determination. If there is a conflict of interest with any of the three on this panel, the most senior Board member present may be substituted for the one with a conflict, to decide. Any AAA, AA or A managers or coaches on the Executive Committee shall not participate in the decision that affects their respective division.

      5. Sibling(s) of a selected player must be drafted in the next round(s) for that team unless the parents designate that the siblings may play on separate teams. 

      6. All 11-year old players not selected to a Majors team must be drafted in AAA.

      7. All 10-year-old players not selected to a Majors or AAA team must be drafted in AA.

      8. All 9-year-old players not selected to a AAA team must be drafted in AA unless the parents request Single A and the Player Agent agrees.

      9. Only 8-year-old players whose parents request AA may be drafted to this division and only if there is room after accommodating the requirements for the older players. 

      10. All 9-year-old players whose parents request A and the Player Agent agrees must be drafted in A.

      11. Only 6-year-old players who try out for A may be drafted to this division and only if there is room after accommodating the requirements for the older players.

      12. All AAA managers will be notified of the names of the players included in the Major Division replacement pool.

  2. TEAMS 

    1. If a Majors team loses any player on the roster during the season through illness, injury, change of address, or other justifiable reason, another player shall be obtained through the Player Agent. Playing ability shall not be considered a justifiable reason for replacement. The following procedures must be followed:

      1. Within 48 hours of losing a player, the manager shall notify the Player Agent of the reasons leading to the request for a replacement.

      2. If a majority of the Executive Committee (President, Vice President, Player Agent, Treasurer, and Secretary) agrees that the reasons are justifiable, the manager shall call up a replacement as follows:

        1. If a Majors team loses a player, the Majors Manager shall select a replacement player from the 10- or 11-year-old replacement player pool.

        2. A minor team can lose a maximum of only one player to the Majors until all other teams in the division have also lost a player.

        3. Replacements are not allowed during the last two weeks of the season.

        4. Replacement pool players, when called up for permanent replacement, if said player decides not to take the permanent position, the player shall not be eligible for any other permanent call up for the rest of the current season.

        5. A player in the Minors cannot be called up to play in the Majors on a temporary basis. Once said player plays in the Majors the player must stay in Majors.

        6. Any 10-year-old player called up to Majors will be the permanent property of the team that calls that player up, as per Little League Operating Manual (page 174 – Replacements). All 10-year-old replacement players from the 2025 season are put into the draft, per 2025 TELL Standing Rules.

    2. In the event of three consecutive absences and/or two missed games by a player, the manager shall notify the Player Agent for appropriate action. The player may be dropped from the team unless he has a legitimate excuse for his absences. While a player may, with the approval of the Player Agent, be disciplined for unexcused practice or game absenteeism, or other infractions, managers are directed to use the utmost discretion in this action. Parents/guardians must be notified and warned in writing of possible disciplinary actions in an effort to correct the situation prior to instituting the disciplinary action.

    3. All player additions, trades and removals shall be accomplished by coordination between the manager and the Player Agent. The Player Agent shall arbitrate team equalization if this is required. Arbitration shall be held at the request of a manager or the Board of Directors. All trades are subject to the FINAL APPROVAL of the player agent and board of directors.

    4. If a AAA team has fewer than nine eligible players on game day, they may borrow a player or players, who were selected no higher than the fifth round, from another AAA team. That game’s replacement player or players must bat last, play outfield only, and cannot pitch.

    5. If a AA or A team has fewer than ten eligible players on game day, they may borrow a player or players, who were drafted no higher than the fifth round, from another team in that same division. That game’s replacement player or players must bat last, play outfield only, and cannot pitch or play the pitching position.

    6. Replacement pool players, when called up for permanent replacement to a Major team, if said player decides not to take the permanent position, the player shall not be eligible for any other permanent call up.


    1. Season Format

      1. All divisions will participate in home league and interleague play and will play one continual season, including interleague play, with the winner of the league being determined by the best overall record for the entire season.

      2. The Board of Directors will determine the number of games prior to the start of the season.

      3. Home league games will be played at UTT. There will be some games played at participating D30 leagues (Interleague Games.)

      4. Wins will count as one (1) point, losses will count as zero (0) points, and ties will count as one-half of one point (.5)

      5. If there are an odd number of teams in all divisions, and/or scheduling conflicts due to blackout dates, there may be a game in which one team is still in their first half, and the other team is in their second half of the season, with different pitching and stealing ground rules. If a game arises between one team still in their first half and another team in their second half, both teams will play by second half pitching and stealing rules, meaning Green Book rules.

    2. Playoffs and Tiebreakers

      1. Playoff teams shall be seeded as follows:

        1. For any division playing interleague, the division season winner will be the team with the best overall record. If there is a tie, the first tiebreaker is head-to-head match-ups against TELL teams. The second tiebreaker is fewest total runs allowed.

        2. Third place will be determined by the team with next best overall record. If there is a tie between third and fourth overall, the first tiebreaker is head-to-head match-up between the contending teams. The second tiebreaker is fewest total runs allowed against the contending teams. The third tiebreaker will be fewest runs allowed against all teams.

    3.  Cancelling and Rescheduling Games

      1. The President or their delegates are responsible for cancelling games with the Field Coordinator. The Field Coordinator will determine the playability of the field.

      2. For games on Saturdays, they will be cancelled on a game-by-game basis. Assume you are playing unless notified.

      3. All Divisions, The President or its delegate are (solely) responsible for rescheduling games, or continuing tied game.

      4. Major Division only, at the next available open date. The President and/or its delegate will attempt to consult with the managers involved for input.

      5. Managers at all levels should be prepared to play two to three games per week depending on rain.

      6. All first half games, including any rainout or makeup games must be completed before the second half of the season begins. If it becomes impossible due to incessant rain and/or unplayable fields to get all first half games played and stay within the league’s permit to use the school grounds, the President shall declare the end of the first half in writing to all teams in all levels, and the second half will begin as scheduled.

      7. Every team must complete all league games before closing ceremonies.


    1. Practices on weekdays are not to begin before 4:30pm on any field. This time is dictated by TUSD and indicated on permits. Saturday practices can be anytime between 8am at 5pm.

    2. Managers and coaches must conduct at least one team practice per week, but no more than three team practices per week during the regular season, weather permitting. A practice is any team gathering where baseball instruction takes place. No team practice, including batting cages, may run longer than three hours per practice that day. Each team may hold three practices per week in addition to regularly scheduled games. Any team that exceeds these limits will face Discipline Committee action, which may or may not include suspension. Pre-game warm-up is not considered a team practice. A parent or guardian practicing solely with their children is not considered a team practice.

    3. Preseason practice may be conducted up to five times per week under the same practice guidelines stated above. Preseason practices are practices conducted prior to the first division game.

    4. Teams in all divisions may use the infield area of the track for wiffle ball batting practice on a first come basis.

    5. Only Juniors and Majors teams may use the batting cages on Saturdays prior to a game.

    6. During the week, the two Majors teams that are scheduled that day split the batting cage time evenly an hour before the game. Once the Majors game has begun, normal cage reservations for all teams are in force.

    7. For Majors, AAA, AA, A, no team may conduct any form of practice on the UTT fields on any Saturdays in which any games are being played until after the last game played on that field that day. Any team that has a game at UTT on a Saturday may not practice at UTT that day. During the week, if no games are being played on any of the fields, those fields will be considered open. Teams must contact Division Coordinators to set up practice days and times.

    8. UTT fields fields are only open for practice as scheduled by the Division Coordinators or Player Agent. If a field is not scheduled for practice, availability is on a first come, first served basis.

    9. TELL does not have a permit for any fields on Sundays.

  1. GAMES

    1. Pre-Game Warm-Up

      1. At 30 minutes before the scheduled starting time of any game, the visiting team shall take the field for no more than 10 minutes of warm-up drills.

      2. At 20 minutes before the scheduled starting time of any game, the home team shall take the field for no more than 10 minutes of warm-up drills.

      3. During pre-game defensive warm-ups, all offensive players shall remain in their dugouts except for a pitcher and catcher in the bullpen.

      4. (Majors only for Saturday games) At 1 hour 30 minutes before the scheduled starting time of the Saturday game, the visiting team may use both batting cages for 30-minutes for batting practice. This time shall not interfere with the warm-ups above. All batting cage rules apply.

      5. (Majors only for Saturday games) At 1 hour before the scheduled starting time of the Saturday game, the home team may use both batting cages for 30-minutes for batting practice. This time shall not interfere with the warm-ups above. All batting cage rules apply.

    2. Game Preliminaries

      1. Managers must present a copy of the starting line-up cards with all players’ last name, position, uniform number, and pitching eligibility to the official scorekeeper at least 30 minutes before game time.

    3. Game Protocols

      1. Due to insurance requirements, only eligible uniformed players, managers, coaches, and umpires are permitted within the confines of the playing field during games, including the dugouts.

        1. Injured players may be permitted in dugouts during games, so long as they’re wearing their team jersey and cap. Suspended players may not be in the dugout during games.

        2. Scorekeepers or team parents may not be in the dugout during games.

      2. If a player has to leave the game for an excused absence (i.e., illness, bathroom, or a school function) the team shall not incur a penalty.

      3. Managers and 1st and 2nd Coaches shall not umpire in their respective divisions.

      4. In the event of a serious injury on the playing field while the ball is in play, the umpire may call time to attend to such injured player. The umpire's sole discretion shall determine where the base runners will be placed when play resumes.

      5. The umpire, managers, and coaches are responsible to make every effort to keep the game moving along to complete six innings of play within the allotted time in a safe manner.

      6. Managers should have their defensive lineups ready and communicated to the players before it is time for the team to take the field.

      7. All Levels—Base runner rule: Any injured base runner will be substituted, on the base, by the player last out.

      8. At no time shall a minor (18 or under) operate any pitching machine. This applies at all times including, but not limited to, games, practices, batting cages, and umpires for Single A.


  1. All Divisions

    1. There is NO MERCY RULE for Majors, AAA, AA or A.

    2. Five (5) run limit max per inning for AAA, AA and A (No limit for Majors).

    3. Pitch Counts

      1. For Majors, AAA and AA pitch counts shall refer to the Little League Operations Manual (Green Book), which is also listed below:

Age 11-12 85 pitches per day 

Age 9-10 75 pitches per day 

Age 7-8 50 pitches per day 

  • If a pitcher throws more than 66 pitches in one day, four days rest are required.

  • If a pitcher throws between 51-65 pitches in one day, three days rest are required.

  • If a pitcher throws between 36-50 pitches in one day, two days rest are required.

  • If a pitcher throws between 21-35 pitches in one day, one day rest is required.

  • If a pitcher throws between 1-20 pitches in one day, zero days rest are required.

  • No pitcher can pitch in a game in three consecutive days, regardless of pitches thrown.

  • Managers must remove a pitcher after two visits in an inning, or three visits in a game, per pitcher.

  • If a pitcher pitches more than 40 pitches in a game, that player may not play the position of catcher for the remainder of the day. 

  • If a catcher catches any part of four innings, with one pitch caught in an inning counting as an inning caught, that player may not pitch for the rest of the day. 

  1. Interleague Games

  2. All Divisions playing interleague play will adopt standing rules negotiated between participating league presidents, and may override Tustin Eastern Little League standing rules.

  1. Majors Division

    1. Little League Operations manual (Green Book) rules apply with the  following changes.

    2. Teams that are scheduled as “Home” shall occupy the third base dugout. “Away” or “Visitor” team will occupy the first base dugout.

    3. Little League Rule 4.04 is amended to adopt the option of a continuous batting order that will include all players on the team roster present for the game batting in order. Each player is required to bat in his/her respective spot in the batting order.

    4. A player may be entered and/or re-entered defensively in the game any time provided he/she meets the requirements of mandatory play of two full innings (6 defensive outs), which do not have to be consecutive.

    5. Uncaught third strike rule is in effect.

    6. After entering the batter’s box, the batter must remain in the box with at least one foot throughout the at bat with exceptions as noted in the Little League Operations Manual [Playing Rule 6.02(c)].

    7. Intentional walks are allowed per Playing Rule 6.08(a)(2). The defensive manager must request and be granted a time out to inform the umpire of the intent. Four (4) pitches are added to the pitch count.

    8. There may be interleague games in the schedule. All games count for season standings, regardless of whether the games are between TELL teams or other league teams.

    9. Teams may hit wiffle balls and heavy balls only in the outfield area and only towards center field for pre-game warm-ups.

  1. Triple A Division

    1. Little League Operations Manual (Green Book)  rules apply with the above (All Divisions) noted and following changes.

    2. Teams that are scheduled as “Home” shall occupy the third base dugout. “Away” or “Visitor” team will occupy the first base dugout.

    3. Teams may hit wiffle balls and heavy balls only in the outfield area and only towards center field for pre-game warm-ups.

    4. After entering the batter’s box, the batter must remain in the box with at least one foot throughout the at bat with exceptions as noted in the Little League Operations Manual [Playing Rule 6.02(c)].

    5. Intentional walks are allowed per Playing Rule 6.08(a)(2). The defensive manager must request and be granted a time out to inform the umpire of the intent. Four (4) pitches are added to the pitch count.

    6. Each player must be on the field for a minimum of three full defensive innings (9 outs), which do not have to be consecutive. A player may be entered and/or re-entered defensively in the game any time. With the exception of the pitcher.

    7. AAA players must play at least one (1) inning in the infield during each game.

    8. Definition of Terms 2.00 “Inning”, from the LL Rulebook is amended for the sixth inning as follows: No limit on runs shall be applied in the sixth inning of the game. Additionally, if a player hits a home run (over-the-fence home run) at any time during a game all runs will count. If the game is tied in the sixth inning and there is time to play an extra inning, the same shall apply as the last inning. (No run limit.)

    9. No game shall start a new inning after two hours. Exception: the two-hour limit will not apply to the last game of the day if there is no Sunset Rule applied.

    10. Sunset Rule – No new full inning will begin five minutes after official sunset time for the day of that game. Regardless of where play is in the game, all play will stop ten minutes after official sunset for the day of that game. If an inning is not complete, final score will revert to last previous full inning completed. If four innings are not completed, or three-and-a-half if the home team is ahead, the game is suspended and will be resumed at the next earliest date scheduled.

    11. Dropped Third Strike: Shall not be in effect.

  1. Double A Division

    1. Little League Operations Manual (Green Book)  rules apply with the above (All Divisions) noted and following changes.

    2. Teams that are scheduled as “Home” shall occupy the third base dugout. “Away” or “Visitor” team will occupy the first base dugout.

    3. Teams may hit wiffle balls and heavy balls only in the outfield area and only towards center field for pre-game warm-ups.

    4. After entering the batter’s box, the batter must remain in the box with at least one foot throughout the at bat with exceptions as noted in the Little League Operations Manual [Playing Rule 6.02(c)]. 

    5. No intentional walks are allowed.

    6. Each player must be on the field for a minimum of three full defensive innings (9 outs), which do not have to be consecutive. A player may be entered and/or re-entered defensively in the game any time. With the exception of the pitcher.

    7. Every player who is in attendance at the start of the game shall play a MINIMUM of two defensive innings or six defensive outs in an infield position. They do not have to be consecutive. Position will be monitored by the official scorekeeper

    8. Any player not playing the required time or infield innings will start the next regularly scheduled game as a starting player, and follow the same defensive play time rules stated above. .

    9. Teams will play with ten players on the field, four of whom must be in the outfield.

    10. If a team can field only nine players, that team may play with three outfielders. The opposing team will still play with ten fielders.

    11. Definition of Terms 2.00 “Inning”, from the LL Rulebook is amended for the sixth inning as follows: No limit on runs shall be applied in the sixth inning of the game. Additionally, if a player hits a home run (over-the-fence home run) at any time during a game all runs will count. If the game is tied in the sixth inning and there is time to play an extra inning, the same shall apply as the last inning. (No run limit.)

    12. Base running rules for the first half of the season are as follows:

      1. Only one base may be stolen per player per pitch.

      2. A base runner may not steal home plate.

      3. A base runner on third base may advance to home plate only as a result of a batted ball or otherwise being forced in (bases loaded and walk, hit batter, catcher's interference, etc.). 


  1. A base runner steals third base and the throw from the catcher to the third baseman is wild and goes into the outfield. The runner may not score because there is no batted ball on the play. If there is a runner on first base in this situation, that runner is permitted to attempt to advance to second base.

  2. With runners on first and second, the batter hits a ball to the shortstop that fields the ball and throws to the third baseman. The throw is wild and goes out of play. The runner scores because the play is the result of a batted ball.

  1. Runners can turn back to first base either direction after running straight through first. The runner has to make a real attempt to second base to be tagged out. Walking back to first base on the field side is not considered “making an attempt.” It is encouraged to teach the players to return to first on the foul side after running through the bag to avoid confusion. 

  2. Infield fly rule does not apply.

  3. Outfielders must start each play 15’ behind the infield.

  4. No game shall start a new inning after two hours. Exception: the two hour limit will not apply to the last game of the day.

    1. The responsibility for terminating games due to weather and any other conditions that may affect player safety will be at the sole discretion of the umpires. The sunset time shall be used as a guide by the umpires to determine when a game shall be stopped due to insufficient light.

    2. Sunset Rule – No new full inning will begin five minutes after official sunset time on the day of that game. Regardless of where play is in the game, all play will stop 10 minutes after official sunset. If an inning is not complete, final score will revert to the previous full inning completed. If four innings are not completed, or three and a half if the home team is ahead, the game is suspended and will be resumed at the earliest date that can be scheduled to finish the game.

    3. Dropped Third Strike: Shall not be in effect.

  1. Single A Division

    1. Little League Operations Manual (Green Book)  rules apply with the above noted and following changes.

    2. Teams that are scheduled as “Home” shall occupy the third base dugout. “Away” or “Visitor” team will occupy the first base dugout.

    3. Each Single A team will need to provide an umpire for games, home team will umpire behind the plate and the visiting team will umpire in the field. This is coordinated by the Managers. 

    4. Teams may hit wiffle balls and heavy balls only in the outfield area and only towards center field for pre-game warm-ups.

    5. After entering the batter’s box, the batter must remain in the box with at least one foot throughout the at bat with exceptions as noted in the Little League Operations Manual [Playing Rule 6.02(c)].

    6. Each player must be on the field for a minimum of four full defensive innings (12 defensive outs), which do not have to be consecutive.

    7. Managers may substitute freely at the beginning of each inning defensively, but once an inning has begun, any defensive changes must be a result of an injury.

    8. No player shall play more than three innings at any given position in a single game. 

    9. Every player who is in attendance at the start of the game shall play a MINIMUM of two defensive innings in an infield position. Position will be monitored by the umpire in charge and the official scorekeeper.

    10. Any player not playing the required time or infield innings will start the next regularly scheduled game as a starting player, and follow the same defensive play time rules stated above.

    11. No player shall remain out of the defensive lineup for more than 3 consecutive outs.

    12. Teams will play with ten players on the field, four of whom must be in the outfield. If a team can field only nine players, that team may play with three outfielders. The opposing team will still play with ten fielders.

    13. A pitching machine (Blue Flame) shall be used for all Single A games. The pitching machine shall be set at 38 mph. The settings for the Blue Flame pitching machine shall be:

Micro adjust- 3

Release block- 4

Power Level- 6

  1. The pitching machine will be placed at 42’ from home plate.

  2. The batter will be allowed six pitches unless the batter hits a ball in fair territory or strikes out.

  3. The batter’s turn shall not end on a foul ball. Exception: unless it is a foul fly which is caught.

  4. Errant pitches will not be counted, including the sixth pitch. Exception: If the batter swings and misses, providing it is not the sixth pitch. If the batter has two strikes and swings at an errant pitch, this is not the sixth pitch, it will be strike three and the batter will be out. Umpires shall determine all errant pitches.

  1. Pitching Machine Interference

    1. A batted ball hitting any part of the pitching machine or stopping underneath the machine shall be declared a dead ball and an automatic single. Runners will advance one base.

    2. A thrown ball getting stuck in the machine or stopping under the machine shall be declared a dead ball. If a player reaches underneath the machine for a ball, the ball shall be declared a dead ball (players should be taught not to reach under the machine). The runners are allowed to advance only as far as the umpire deems they would have gotten had the ball not been affected by the pitching machine.

    3. In all cases involving the machine, safety is first. The umpire has full discretion to declare a dead ball and to place runners as far as the umpire deems they would have gotten had the ball not been affected by the pitching machine.

    4. A pitched ball that hits the batter is a dead ball and the batter is not awarded first base.

    5. If the coach operating the pitching machine interferes with a play, intentional or not, the batter/runner is out, and all base runners return to their original position before the play began.

  2. 5-Run limit per inning. 

  3. Definition of Terms 2.00 “Inning”, from the LL Rulebook is amended for the sixth inning as follows: No limit on runs shall be applied in the sixth inning of the game. Additionally, if a player hits a home run (over-the-fence home run) at any time during a game all runs will count. If the game is tied in the sixth inning and there is time to play an extra inning, the same shall apply as the last inning. (No run limit.)

  4. Base Running

    1. Stealing is not allowed for the first half of the season. The Board reserves the right to change this date based on input from the managers and approved by the Coaching Coordinator. **Unless interleague rules supersede.

    2. Once stealing is permitted, the runners may not leave their base until the ball reaches the batter. No leading off.

    3. Only one base may be stolen per player, per pitch.

    4. A base runner may not steal home plate.

    5. The batter and runner are limited to a maximum of two bases per batted ball. Unless it’s an over the fence home run.

    6. A base runner on third base may advance to home plate only as a result of a batted ball.

    7. A hit ball that goes through the pitching circle is a live ball. If the ball hits the pitching machine then the ball is dead and runners advance one base if forced. The batter is awarded 1st base.

  5. In all situations, safety is our number one concern. The umpire has full discretion to call time if he/she deems there is a safety concern.

  6. A play is over when the defensive team stops the offensive team from advancing and the umpire calls timeout. The umpire shall not grant time out until the ball is controlled and the lead runner is not a threat to advance.


    2. The idea or concept is to have the defense make plays from the outfield without severe penalties to the defense. If the ball is hit to the outfield, the defense should try to throw the runner out at second. If the ball is overthrown at second the runner may not advance.

  7. Infield fly rule does not apply.

  8. Batter runners can turn back to first base either direction after running straight through first on a hit . The runner has to make a real attempt to second base to be tagged out.  Walking back to first base on the field side is not considered “making an attempt.” It is encouraged to teach the players to return to first on the foul side after running through the bag to avoid confusion.

  9. Bunting is not allowed.

  10. There will be 3 certified and board approved adults permitted in a dugout. One approved adult must remain in the dugout at all times. A fourth adult can run the pitching machine but must also be Board Approved and have a background check.

  11. Outfielders must start each play 15’ behind the infield.

  12. No game shall start a new inning after two hours. Exception: the two hour limit will not apply to the last game of the day.

    1. The responsibility for terminating games due to weather and any other conditions that may affect player safety will be at the sole discretion of the umpires. The sunset time shall be used as a guide by the umpires to determine when a game shall be stopped due to insufficient light.

    2. Sunset Rule – No new full inning will begin five minutes after official sunset time for the day of that game. Regardless of where play is in the game, all play will stop 10 minutes after official sunset for the day of that game. If an inning is not complete, the final score will revert to the last previous full inning completed. If four innings are not completed, or three and a half is the home team is ahead, the game is suspended and will be resumed at the next earliest date scheduled.

  1. Coach Pitch

    1. Teams that are scheduled as “Home” shall occupy the third base dugout. “Away” or “Visitor” team will occupy the first base dugout.

    2. Length of Game: 1 ¼ Hours

    3. Batting

      1. The coach is to pitch overhand no more than 6 pitches (good or bad). If the batter is unable to hit the ball, then the ball will be placed on the tee.

      2. Each team will bat its entire lineup each inning. At this level, outs are not counted but if a play is made on a batter or runner and they are out, they do go back to the “dug-out” and the next batter is up.

      3. A batted ball must travel 15 feet from home plate to be considered a ball in play. This will be determined by a painted arc on the field, or the Judgment of the offensive coach if no arc is painted.

      4. A batter is not allowed to throw the bat. If a batter throws the bat twice while at bat, it is an automatic out. Although outs are not counted at this level, it is treated as one, and the batter goes back to the “dugout.”

    4. Infield

      1. Each team is to position 6 players in the infield. One at first base, second base, third base, shortstop, and pitcher. The 6th infielder can be placed in front, or behind the second base bag. There cannot be 2 pitchers!

      2. Players should have the opportunity to play all the positions. No player shall be allowed to play the same position more than two innings in the same game. Please do be careful, for safety’s sake, not to place a child in a position such as first base or pitcher where a hard hit or thrown ball could injure them.

    5. Outfield

      1. Outfielders are to be placed a “minimum” of 10 feet beyond the base paths at all times. Do not congest the base paths with infielders and outfielders.

    6. Base Running

      1. There is no base stealing in Coach Pitch. A player who steals a base will be sent back to their original base. 

      2. No base runner is allowed to lead off their base until the ball is hit.

      3. No running on overthrows. The runner is only awarded the base that they would have gained had there been no throw.

      4. Base runners may continue to advance when a ball is hit to the outfield, but must stop advancing when the ball re-enters the infield on the ground or in the air. (This means once the ball is back inside the base paths).

      5. If a runner is on base and a fielder catches a fly ball the batter is out the runners may not advance or be tagged out if they do. Send them back to their original base.

      6. In any play, at any base, tie goes to the runner.

      7. Only defensive coaches on the field (outside of the base paths). Offensive coaches may place themselves at first, third, and home plate.

      8. The last batter in the lineup DOES NOT run the entire bases to end that half of the inning. The batter is awarded the result of their hit ONLY. 

    7. Batters and Runners must wear protective helmets at all times.

    8. There is NO score kept in Coach Pitch.

    9. There is NO counting of outs in Coach Pitch

    10. There is NO batting practice before a game.

    11. Orange cones will be placed in the outfield for homerun boundaries. The ball traveling on the ground past the cones will be a ground rule double. A ball traveling over the cones in the air is a homerun. There are NO triples.

  2. T-ball

    1. Teams that are scheduled as “Home” shall occupy the third base dugout. “Away” or “Visitor” team will occupy the first base dugout.

    2. Length of Game: 1 Hour

    3. Batting

      1. Each batter will hit the ball off a batting tee. No coach-pitch is allowed at the T-Ball level.

      2. Each team will bat its entire lineup each inning. At this level, outs are not counted but if a play is made on a batter or runner and they are out, they do go back to the “dugout” and the next batter is up.

      3. A batted ball must travel 15 feet from home plate to be considered a ball in play. This will be determined by a painted arc on the field, or the judgment of the offensive coach if no arc is painted.

      4. A batter is not allowed to throw the bat. If a batter throws the bat twice while at bat, it is an automatic out. Although outs are not counted at this level, it is treated as one, and the batter goes back to the “dug-out.”

    4. Infield

      1. Each team is to position 6 players in the infield. One at first base, second base, third base, shortstop, and pitcher. The 6th infielder can be placed in front, or behind the second base bag. There cannot be 2 pitchers!

      2. Players should have the opportunity to play all the positions. The league has adopted a rule that no player shall be allowed to play the same position more than two innings in the same game. Please do be careful, for safety’s sake, not to place a child in a position such as first base or pitcher where a hard hit or thrown ball could injure them.

    5. Outfield

      1. Outfielders are to be placed a “minimum” of 10 feet beyond the base paths at all times. Do not congest the base paths with infielders and outfielders.

    6. Base Running

      1. There is no base stealing in Tee Ball. A player who steals a base will be sent back to their original base.

      2. No base runner is allowed to lead off their base until the ball is hit.

      3. No running on overthrows. The runner is only awarded the base that they would have gained had there been no throw.

      4. Base runners may continue to advance when a ball is hit to the outfield, but must stop advancing when the ball re-enters the infield on the ground or in the air. (This means once the ball is back inside the base paths, please use discretion).

      5. If a runner is on base and a fielder catches a fly ball the batter is out, the runners may not advance or be tagged out if they do. Send them back to their original base.

      6. In any play, at any base, tie goes to the runner.

      7. Only defensive coaches on the field ( outside of the base paths). Offensive coaches may place themselves at first, third, and home plate.

      8. The last batter in the lineup “may” run the entire bases to end that half of the inning.

    7. Batters and Runners must wear protective helmets at all times.

    8. There is NO score kept in Tee Ball.

    9. There is NO counting of outs in Tee Ball.

    10. There is NO batting practice before a game.

    11. Orange cones will be placed in the outfield for homerun boundaries. A hit ball traveling on the ground past the cones will be a ground rule double. A ball traveling over the cones in the air is a homerun. There are NO triples!

  1. Batting Cage Rules

    1. The batting cage coordinator maintains the master schedule.

    2. A request can be made up to two weeks prior for the cage usage.

    3. Coach or Manager must reserve a cage by e mail to the coordinator. All reservations must be made 48-hours prior to ensure access to the correct cage, if available; the cages are on a first call/email basis.

    4. Minor Division Teams cannot use the cage on the same day as their game during the week (Monday thru Saturday).

    5. Major Division Teams may use the cages prior to their games only on Saturdays. The visiting team will have access to the batting cages 1 ½ hours prior to their game on Saturday for 30- minutes and the home team will have access to the batting cages 1 hour prior to their game on Saturday for 30-minutes. They will have access to both cages. This only applies to Saturday games and not games played during the week. If a Major team has a bye on Saturday, they may use the cages during the last day game on Saturday, providing this does not interfere with the evening game. This does not need to be scheduled with the batting cage coordinator.

    6. Juniors (13-14 yr. olds) have priority on Sundays. No team can reserve this day. • Coaches and Managers are responsible for safety and cleaning up in and around the cages. • No one can swing a bat outside the batting cage period.

    7. During the “City Tournament” tournament rules will override TELL rules.

    8. Safety comes first. Make sure the proper “L Screen” stops are in place.

    9. L Screens must remain in the batting cages unless there is no team scheduled for the cages the rest of that day. Managers must check the cage schedule prior to moving the L Screen out of the cage.

    10. If using a pitching machine, the Manager or Coach is responsible for securing and locking up the machine.

    11. All players must wear a helmet when holding a bat or if you are near a player with a bat, at all times.

    12. Only the Manager, Coach, or approved adult may operate the pitching machine. Players are not allowed to operate the machine at any level.

    13. Inappropriate use of the cages could lead to suspension of usage for the team.


      1. Any TELL team or players in A Division or higher can use the batting cages.

      2. No outside coaches allowed in TELL cages due to insurance and liability (Background check).

      3. The team must have 100% of the players from TELL

      4. No paid coaches allowed on the facility.

      5. No private lessons where a coach charges for the batting lessons in TELL batting cages. o No subletting of TELL cages to outside teams.

      6. No Travel Ball Teams 

This system is in place to promote fairness in usage of a tool that has limited availability. Also, to save time for the Managers or Coaches so that they do not need to visit the field to check a schedule or reserve a cage in their spare time.


The Manager shall establish the rules and guidelines for the team at the first team meeting. At that time the Manager may replace any player that will not be able to comply with the rules and guidelines as outlined by the manager. 

The All-Star Manager shall have the right and discretion to allow players to miss practice and/or a game for any reason. The decision of the manager shall be final.

The All-Star Managers and coaching staff will be announced after the players begin all-star voting, and before the All-Star selection meeting by the other division managers. The All-Star Manager and coaching staff may attend the selection meeting to help form the team.

  1. Major Team

    1. Manager Selection

      1. Applicants must submit an application form provided by the league to the President by Midnight on April 28th.

      2. The President will review and nominate qualified applicants and submit to the TELL BOARD. Each Board member shall have one vote and may vote for one manager. As per little league international, no ALL-STAR manager or coach can be approved without the appointment of the league President and approval of the TELL Board.

    2. Player Agent will create ballots with all eligible 12-year old players listed on the ballot.

    3. The ballot will include all players who meet the following requirements

      1. Major Player

      2. League age 10, 11, or 12

      3. Participated as an eligible player in at least 60% of the regular season games

      4. Attended pre-season tryouts.

    4. Each player on a Major team may vote for up to 5 All-Star candidates, not including himself or his teammates. Ballots with more than 5 selections will be invalid.

    5. The top 5 vote-getters are automatically selected to the Major All-Star team. If there is a tie for 5th place, the top 4 vote-getters will be automatically selected and the Majors Managers will determine the which player is the 5th selection.

    6. Regular season Major managers will meet and nominate by ballot 10 players (not on their team) to create a player pool. This ballot will not include the 5 players selected from the prior vote. All players in this player pool must have received at least one vote from one Majors manager. The All-Star Manager and coaching staff may be present at this meeting to help form the All-Star team.

    7. Regular season Majors managers will select the next 5 players to the All-Star team from the list of players in the pool.

    8. The All Star Manager will select the remaining players to fill the team from players who are remaining in the pool. Additional Players may not be selected if they are not in the pool.

    9. The Majors All-Star team will be a minimum of 12 players and a maximum of 14 players per Little League rules; team size will be determined by the Major All-Star Manager.

    10. While the Major All-Star team is typically comprised of 12-year old players, the Manager may select one or more 11-year old players if in his judgment circumstances reasonably warrant such selection.

    11. The selected Manager shall pick his/hers all-star coaching staff and the coaching staff must be approved by the Board.

    12. The Manager is encouraged, but not required, to select at least one All-Star player from each regular season Majors team. The Manager’s player selections are subject to approval by the Player Agent.

  2. 11-Year Old Team

    1. Manager Qualifications

      1. Applicant must have Managed or Coached no less than one half of the regular season games at TELL.

    2. Manager Selection

      1. The President will review and nominate qualified applicants and submit to the TELL BOARD. Each Board member shall have one vote and may vote for one manager. As per little league international, no ALL-STAR manager or coach can be approved without the appointment of the league President and blessing of the TELL Board.

      2. The selected Manager shall pick his/hers all-star coaching staff and the coaching staff must be approved by the Board. The maximum number of coaches allowed “in the dugout” under Little League rules is 2 plus the manager).

    3. Player Selection

      1. Player Agent will create ballots with all eligible 11-year old players listed on the ballot.

      2. The ballot will include all players who meet the following requirements: i. Major player or AAA player

      3. League age 9, 10, or 11.

      4. Participated as an eligible player in at least 60% of the regular season games.

      5. Attended pre-season tryouts.

      6. Meets Little League “Residency Eligibility Requirement”.

      7. Not selected to the Major All-Star team.

    4. The voting process:

      1. Each Major Manager must vote for 10 players that are not on his or her team; each vote is worth one point.

      2. Each Major Player may vote for up to 10 players that are not on his or her team; each player’s vote is worth one point.

      3. Major league 10 year olds will be added to the 11 year old listing. There will be a separate sheet for those 10 year olds that played in AAA.

    5. Player roster

      1. The five (10 & 11 year old) players receiving the highest number of points from the player’s votes (from rule XII.A.2.c.ii above) are automatically placed on the 11 year old All-Star team.

      2. The next five (10 & 11year old) players will be selected from the Major Managers’ vote rankings (from rule XII.A.2.c.i above). The top five players, as voted on by the Major Players from above, will be eliminated from the Managers’ rankings leaving the five highest ranked remaining players to be placed on the team. All players in this remaining pool must have received at least one vote from one Manager.

      3. The All Star Manager, at his/her discretion, will select two to four additional players to complete the team.

      4. While the11 year old team is typically comprised of 11-year old players, the Manager may select one or more 10-year old players if in his judgment circumstances reasonably warrant such selection.

      5. The Managers are encouraged, but not required, to select at least one All Star player from each regular season Majors team. The Manager’s player selections are subject to approval by the Player Agent.

  3. 9/10-Year Old Black/Red/White Teams (State All-Star Tournament and Pool Play Teams, if applicable)

    1. Manager Qualifications

      1. Applicant must have Managed or Coached no less than one half of the regular season games at TELL.

    2. Manager Selection

      1. Applicants must submit an application form provided by the league to the President within seven days after the manager’s 15th game.

      2. The President will review and nominate qualified applicants and submit to the TELL BOARD. Each Board member shall have one vote and may vote for one manager. As per little league international, no ALL-STAR manager or coach can be approved without the appointment of the league President and blessing of the TELL Board.

      3. The Board will review and approve qualified applicants and provide an approved list to be voted on by the board. Each board member shall have one vote and may vote for one manager.

      4. The selected Manager shall pick his/hers all-star coaching staff and the coaching staff must be approved by the Board. The maximum number of coaches allowed in the dugout under Little League rules is 2 plus the manager.

    3. Player Selection

      1. 9/10 All-Star (Black) Team

        1. Player Agent will create ballots with all eligible 9/10-year old players listed on the ballot. The ballot will include all players who meet the following requirements.

          1. Major, Triple A, or Double A player

          2. League age 8, 9, or 10

          3. Participated as an eligible player in at least 60% of the regular season games

          4. Attended pre-season tryouts

          5. Meets Little League “Residency Eligibility Requirement”

        2. Each player on a AAA team may vote for up to 10 All-Star candidates, not including himself or his teammates. Ballots with more than 10 selections will be invalid.

        3. Regular season managers will nominate by ballot 15 players (not on their team) to create a player pool.

        4. Regular season managers will select the 10 players to the All-Star team from the list of players in the pool.

        5. 9/10 All Star (Black) Manager will select the remaining players to fill the team from players who are remaining in the pool. Additional Players may not be selected if they are not in the pool.

        6. The team will be a minimum of 12 players and a maximum of 14 players per Little League rules; team size will be determined by the All-Star Manager.

        7. The Managers are encouraged, but not required, to select at least one All-Star player from each regular season AAA team. The Manager’s player selections are subject to approval by the Player Agent.

    4. 9/10 All-Star (Red) Team

      1. Any players in the 9/10 pool who are not selected for the 9/10 Black All-Star team will be automatically on the “9/10 Select (Red) Team.”

      2. Any additional players added to this team will require a 50% approval by the regular season AAA managers. 

      3. The All Star Manager will select the remaining players to fill the team from players. 

    5. 9/10 All-Star (White) Team

      1. A pool of All-Star candidates will be created in the following manner

        1. All 9/10 year olds playing in the League not selected to the 9/10 Black or Red teams will be eligible.

        2. Regular season AA and AAA managers will nominate 10 players.

        3. The All Star Manager will select players from the pool and an additional 2 players at their discretion.

        4. The team will be a minimum of 12 players. AA will have a minimum of 6 players representing the AA level. The Manager selects his or her coaches. The Manager’s player selections are subject to approval by the Player Agent.

    6. 7/8 year old Tournament Teams:

      1. Teams are sponsored by the league, the President will appoint a manager for the Gold and Silver teams. The teams will have a roster of 12 players. All players are selected by the tournament team manager, with all player selections being subject to approval of the Player Agent.

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